Information System Technologies, Inc. (ISTI) was established in 1998 to develop enabling technologies for a wide range of applications. Our research focuses on theoretical as well as experimental advances in digital signal/image processing, information retrieval and learning systems. ISTI brings together highly qualified and experienced researchers with diverse backgrounds to provide novel solutions to various DoD and industrial problems. Below are some of the highlights of ISTI’s history.
September 2014 – ISTI received a Phase I Award under DoD’s SERDP program to develop of efficient Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) algorithms for the detection and classification of military munitions in shallow underwater environments using data collected from multi¬look sonar systems. One of the main points of emphasis in this work is the development of novel detection and classification techniques that remain robust over different operating and environmental conditions as well as to variations in target features versus range, grazing angle, and target orientation. The ultimate goal of this work is to provide the DoD with improved detection and characterization techniques as it strives to find safer and more cost-effective technologies for underwater munitions remediation.
September 2014 –ISTI received a Phase I SBIR Award to develop an automatic multi-sensory feral swine recognition system that can activate secondary devices to deliver toxicants, disease vaccines, or contraceptives masked in baits. The main goal of this effort is to accurately detect the presence of feral swine and control their population while leaving other non-invading species are unharmed.
Aug 2014 – ISTI is granted a patent (#8,817,577) by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on its invention to determine the origin of gun fire and trajectory of the bullet using acoustic sensor nodes.
June 2013 – ISTI’s work on feature extraction & data compression is granted a patent (#8,478,319) by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
June 2012 – ISTI received a SBIR Phase II Enhancement Award to transition to a fully functional multi-sensory network that can locate weapon fires and track UAVs. ISTI will work with its partner Lucid Dimensions to deliver the system which will be deployed to protect Forward Operating Bases.
May 2011 – ISTI has filed for a patent related to its methodology to locate the origin of weapon fires and to estimate the trajectory of a gunshot projectile in distributed wireless acoustic sensor networks.
May 2010 – ISTI has filed for a patent on its joint feature extraction-data compression/encoding scheme that enables low bit rate transmission across distributed wireless networks.
2009 – ISTI received a SBIR Phase I Award to develop to develop innovative solutions that offer in-situ learning ability for classification and possible identification of underwater targets. This system will be able to operate in provide a reliable, efficient and robust underwater target detection and classification. The system can operate in real-time with various sonar systems and in different environmental and operating
conditions (more info).
2009 – ISTI received a SBIR Phase II award to develop a distributed wireless sensor network platform that is versatile, scalable and easy to use for high fidelity data acquisition. The sensor nodes in the network will have adequate on-board processing and storage capability to allow the users to test out their data fusion algorithms and software (more info).
2008 – ISTI received a SBIR Phase II award to accurately detect, localize and identify battlefield transient events such as gunshots, RPG and artillery fires. This research will lead to the design and development of low-cost low-power wireless sensors nodes that can be used to provide soldiers with real-time assessment of commonly occurring transient events in
complex battlefield environments (more info).
2007 – ISTI received a Phase I SBIR award to develop a distributed wireless sensor network platform for collaborative signal processing and high fidelity data acquisition. The system will support multiple sensor modalities, configurable data sample and time synchronization methodologies and, network and node health monitoring mechanisms (more info).
2006 – ISTI received a Phase II SBIR award to develop low bit rate data compression and encoding system that can be integrated with the existing sensor packages and implemented on generic processing board. The successful development of the system will enable large scale deployment of low cost low power sensor nodes to be used for surveillance (more info).
2005 – ISTI is awarded the SBIR Phase I contract to develop system level solutions to detect battlefield transient events, to perform collaborative and confusion-free transient event localization and to classify the nature of the transient event. The system can be used to detect, locate and classify wide range of small arm fires, mortar fires and artillery fires (more info).
2004 – ISTI is awarded the SBIR Phase I contract to develop a joint feature extraction-data compression/encoding method for low bit rate transmission of target information essential to track and classify the target. The system can be used in conjunction with stealthy low-cost wireless sensors to provide real-time tracking of ground and airborne targets (more info).
2003 – ISTI is awarded the SBIR Phase I contract to develop and characterize a rigorous, formal, and a comprehensive mathematical model of the missile engagement network with application to a typical air defense system. The outcome of this research will help be new mathematical representations as well as software tools for coordination and control of multi-decision making systems operating under varying latencies and bandwidth limitations. The technology has numerous applications in monitoring and control of distributed power, manufacturing and communication systems, and organizational decision support systems (more info).
2003 – ISTI received a Phase II SBIR Award to develop new high-resolution and robust schemes that provide real-time bearing angle estimation and, subsequent tracking and classification of different types of narrowband and wideband acoustic sources such
as ground vehicles of military significance (more info).
2003 – ISTI received a Phase I SBIR Award to develop algorithms for the detection, tracking and classification of multiple vehicles in battlefield situations. The outcome of this research effort will provide unprecedented surveillance capability to passively monitor, track and identify potential targets (more info).