

ISTI has developed competencies throughout all phases of the product development process over the past 12 years. Core competencies include:

– Digital Signal / Image Processing and Data Compression Algorithm Development
– Acoustic, Sonar, Seismic, Visible / Infrared Signal Processing for Event Detection, Classification, Localization and Tracking
– Wireless Sensor Networking and System Management
– Embedded Electronics and Firmware Development
– Sensor System Integration of Hardware, Software and Middleware

Core Advantage

ISTI’s flexible and customizable solutions were designed to the demanding specifications of military users alongside the low cost, low power and scalability requirements of commercial users. The benefits of ISTI’s distributed sensor network solutions include performance accuracy in real-time detection, localization and classification of various sources of interest such as ground and airborne vehicles, personnel, and gunshots, as well as multi-sensing capabilities, all while operating with low false alarm rates.

A comprehensive capabilities brochure is available in PDF format here.